Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I love and hate shopping for clothes. I have an extreme fetish for shoes.... all kinds of shoes... Since I've gained weight it is sometimes difficult to view myself in the mirror... so I usually buy a size I know will fit, so I do not have to look at myself... I know lame. Well I went shopping yesterday with my sister and 15 year old daughter. My daughter goes with me so that I do not buy old looking clothing and my sister goes with me to make sure I do not buy clothing too big.
I have to say I had fun shopping and going down a dress size, if it wasn't for them, I would have done what I always do and buy clothing too big..

I know I have issues... It is not that I just gained weight, but in my mind I am still a size ten and that was 15 years ago......
Either way I am learning to love my body and not beat up on myself because I am not as skinny as I used to be... because guess what you are sexy at any size as long as you feel it in on the insided. I am still working out and eating healthy, but I am not going to stop stressing over it!

Any who, it is time to get some more customers.
Until the next time,

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Today is a Good Day to Start!

I am used to keeping journals, but this is my first online one!
Asta Publications, LLC is my baby, business, and love. I started this company to assist authors in turning their dreams into reality and to leave a legacy for my children.
Being a mother and wife is no easy task, but a task I wouldn't give that task up for the world. Today is a good day to start jotting my thoughts down and hopefully I'll keep it up.

I'm on another mission and that is too lose 4o-50 pounds. I will be 40 this year and I'm vain as all Hell. I feel good about my appearance, but as we know being overweight leads to health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. I've never been a pill taker, so I need to handle my business before I have to.

I've been going to the gym consistently for three months and I am finally seeing some results. The scale is still going up and down, but I can see the difference in my clothing.

I took some diet pills today hoping to increase my metabolism. I get desperate and inpatient at times. I had a good workout at least in my mind, but when I came home, I researched the effects of diet pills and guess what? I will not be taking them anymore.

My youngest daughter and I became vegetarians three weeks ago and that has helped me somewhat. We are not vegans, because I can give up certain luxuries such as: lobster tails, King crab legs, shrimps, scallops and dairy products. We limit our seafood intake to twice a week and our dairy products are organic, except for an occasional stawberry cheescake ice cream on a sugar cone from Bruesters. If you are thinking about becoming a vegeterian check out "Meet your Meat" on You Tube, trust me you will not want to eat meat anymore...

I was a vegetarian when I was pregnant with her and continued until she was about two years of age. I must admit I was at my healthiest then. So she is used to eating tofu and veggie burgers, and drinking soymilk.

I was on my cycle last week and the flow was not heavy this time and I believe it was because I changed my diet.

Until the Next Time,